The film follows Barry Seal, who, disillusioned with his job as a commercial pilot, is recruited by a CIA agent named Monty Schafer (played by Domhnall Gleeson) to take reconnaissance photos of communist insurgents in South America. However, Seal soon finds himself drawn deeper into the world of espionage and drug trafficking, as he becomes a key player in the CIA's efforts to fund the Nicaraguan Contras through illicit means. As Seal's involvement in illegal activities increases, he amasses a small fortune but also attracts the attention of various law enforcement agencies, including the DEA and the FBI. Despite his efforts to evade capture, Seal's double life eventually catches up with him, leading to his downfall. "American Made" is a fast-paced and thrilling film that explores the complexities of American foreign policy and the consequences of government-sanctioned covert operations. Tom Cruise delivers a charismatic performance as Barry Seal, capturing both his charm and recklessness as he navigates the dangerous world of drug smuggling and espionage.
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Suitable for ages 18 and up.
Tom Cruise
Sarah Wright
Domhnall Gleeson
Alejandro Edda
Jesse Plemons
Connor Trinneer
Mauricio Mejía
Jayma Mays
Lola Kirke
April Billingsley
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